You want to check out therapy. You know it would be good for you. You’ve had friends rave about how helpful their therapist is and you’ve seen them change for the better. Naturally, you’re curious. And of course, you know there are a few things you could probably work on, too. But you have no idea how in the world to find a good therapist. Especially in a place like Dublin, Pleasanton and the greater Bay Area, where there are many therapists, how do you sort through to find the right fit for you?

Find a Therapist Through Friends & Family Recommendation

Finding a therapist through word of mouth is historically how most people have found their therapist. You heard a friend talk about loving their therapist and asked for her name. It’s a great way to pre-screen a therapist and get through the filter of someone’s experience, good and bad, before you make the first therapy appointment. 

Find a Therapist Through Doctor Referral

Sometimes you may find a therapist because your health care provider, doctor, psychiatrist, OBGYN, acupuncturist, etc. specifically refers you to a psychotherapist. Usually this is for the therapist’s specific set of expertise in regards to your provider’s knowledge of an issue you’re having. Again, vetted through the trust of another health care provider you already know.

Find a Therapist Through Google/Therapist Directory

Today, most people find their therapist online. Unfortunately, many therapists notoriously have pretty horrible websites (sorry everyone, they didn’t cover that part in grad school). When you are searching online, sorting through the sea of counselors can be tough. Honestly, lots of people land with their therapist because they have a website, and “they look nice” in their headshot.

Find a Therapist by Speciality

To be more precise, find a therapist online by their speciality. You have a specific reason for going to counseling, so find someone that has experience with that very thing. You would not go to a podiatrist for a rash. Find a therapist that is awesome at helping people with the thing you want to change. I love helping twenty-something aged women sort through relationship disruptions & break ups, betrayed partners of sex addicts, and clients who want to incorporate faith in therapy. Want help with anxiety? Search therapy for anxiety in Dublin, CA. Want help navigating infertility? Search infertility counseling Bay Area.

Find a Therapist by Trait

Be honest about preferences you have about what type of therapist you’ll be most comfortable sitting with in therapy. Perhaps you prefer a female therapist over a male. Maybe faith is important to you and you want a therapist who is a Christian. Having a therapist of color may be vital. You may want someone more seasoned or someone more fresh. Jot down what factors will help you feel most comfortable in therapy, then use them to narrow down your search. This is particularly helpful when sorting through large directories like Psychology Today.

Find a Therapist by Training

If you are looking for a specific therapy approach or model, you may want to search for a therapist by their training. For instance, if you specifically want to do EMDR for trauma in the bay area or utilize cognitive behavioral therapy or psychodynamic approach, you’ll want to search for your therapist by their treatment modality.

Find a Therapist through Insurance

First you have to know if your insurance covers therapy, and if so, under what terms (What’s the co-pay? Do you have to meet a deductible? Only therapists in network? Will they reimburse for out of network therapists?) If you have mental health coverage and want to use your insurance, you will need to search within the list of in-network providers. This somewhat limits your options, but scan the list to see if anyone fits your criteria. You can always check if your insurance will reimburse for therapy appointments that are out of network. 

Schedule Your Free Consultation

When you’re ready to make the jump, schedule your free 15 minute consultation. The connection (or lack thereof) with your therapist can really impact the outcome of therapy, so you want to make sure it’s a good fit. The free consultation is where you make sure this is the therapist for you. Now go for it, your future self will thank you.

Schedule your Free 15 Minute Consult to get started with therapy in Dublin, CA today.


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