What Does Anxiety Feel Like?
Allie Kaelin Allie Kaelin

What Does Anxiety Feel Like?

Anxiety often shows in physical sensations, i.e. we feel anxiety in our body. This is combined with certain recurrent anxious thought patterns. What does anxiety feel like? Here are some common symptoms:

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Reflections on 5+ Months of Quarantine Life

Early in the pandemic, an article circulated compelling readers to embrace this “Sacred Pause” that this once in a lifetime event has provided. As the weeks dragged into months with no end in sight, I have kept the author’s words in the back of my mind. I’ve taken note of what I truly miss, and what I really don’t, in hopes this will guide a more intentional rebuilding of my life, time, money, energy, and relationships when we one day return to “normal”.

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How a Therapist Deals with Coronavirus Pandemic Anxiety

My graduate school training did not offer a class on navigating pandemic anxiety. In fact, much of therapists’ training surrounding anxiety treatment has to do with things that are irrational, unlikely to happen, and blow out of proportion. And yet here we are in a global pandemic that requires serious attention & communal behavioral change, all without panic.

It’s a hard balance, right? As I write this, we in the Bay Area are in a 3 week (possibly longer) shelter in place ordinance. The news, social media sites, and conversations are absolutely saturated with COVID-19 updates, predictions of economic recessions, and fear. A lot people feel overwhelmed, including therapists.

Here’s how I’m dealing with my pandemic anxiety:

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Growing Healthier Through Self-Talk

Words are powerful. The Bible compares the power of words to a spark that can cause a wildfire (perhaps a metaphor too close to home for us Californians) or a small rudder than can control an entire ship. Whether our words are spoken aloud or only thought, they have a huge impact on our emotions and behavior. Self-talk is the pyscho-babble term for how we speak to ourself (fancy huh?). Whether we speak kindly or harshly to ourselves can have a big impact on how we feel and act.

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Battling Anxiety

One of the most effective ways to reduce anxiety is to use your mind to catch & replace unhelpful thinking. The thoughts that accompany (and fuel) anxiety are distorted, but have juuust enough truth that they sound compelling. If you’ve ever experienced heightened anxiety, you know how quickly anxious thoughts can spiral. Here’s the trick...don’t believe everything you think.

Anxious thoughts are usually driven by a few unhelpful thinking styles. We all utilize these unhelpful thinking styles or cognitive distortions from time to time. Here are the five most common distorted thoughts that I see fuel anxiety:

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